The International Organisation for Radiotherapy for Benign Conditions

IORBC aims to improve awareness of this treatment modality and to develop and host educational materials for the benefit of physicians, patients and other stakeholders. Ultimately, we are working towards developing a comprehensive syllabus in order to equip radiation specialists with the tools that are needed to effectively and safely deliver benign radiotherapy. We will also send out newsletters, host an annual conference and empower local groups. Lastly, we will encourage and aid collaboration with other relevant specialties and radiation oncology societies.

Our Mission

This society aims to promote the awareness of radiotherapy for benign conditions in order to deliver education and training to radiation and other healthcare specialists and to result in improved patient outcomes.

Radiotherapy is the use of radiation to treat disease. It is generally used in high doses to treat cancer, but is also very useful in lower doses to treat non-cancer or benign conditions.

Radiotherapy is mainly used worldwide to treat patients with cancer. It is also effective at treating many non-cancer (benign) conditions but is under-used through lack of awareness, education, funding, research and effective leadership. This group aims to improve awareness of this treatment modality and to develop and host educational materials for the benefit of physicians, patients and other stakeholders. This will include the hosting of an annual conference and collaboration with other relevant specialities and radiation oncology societies.


The use of radiotherapy for benign conditions has significant benefits:

  • Improvement in disease-specific outcomes

  • Improvement in patient quality of life

  • Reduction of the need for long-term treatment

  • Lowered health system costs

Find Out More

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The need for benign radiotherapy
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Find out more about the treatment
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Meet the team behind the IORBC