Low Dose Radiotherapy (LD-RT) Highly Effective Treatment for plantar (enthesophyte) heel spur syndrome

The IORBC welcomes a very large clinical study on Plantar Heel Spur Syndrome from Turkey: Low-dose Radiation Treatment for Painful Heel Spur: a Highly Effective Therapy With Little Side Effects.

As noted in this study, plantar enthesophyte is a common degenerative soft tissue disorder — with surgical and medical treatment options associated with either poor outcome or high percentage of relapse.

Because previous clinical observations have indicated a beneficial effect of low-dose radiotherapy (LD-RT), the study authors wanted to ‘evaluate the pain reduction when using orthovolt or cobalt-based radion treatment for painful plantar enthesophyte and determine long-term response as well as prognostic parameters in this condition.’

The study identified a total of 102 consecutive patients treated for a total of 117 symptomatic heel spurs (15% with bilateral involvement).

Before RT:

  • 61 patients (60.4%) had a score of 0 (significant strong pain)

At the time of radiation treatment completion:

  • 3 patients (2.7%) had a score of 30 (pain-free)

  • 8 patients (7.9%) had a score of 0 (still severe pain)

6 weeks after RT:

  • 33 patients (32.7%) had a score of 30 (pain-free)

  • 8 patients (7.9%) had a score of 0 (still severe pain)

At the time of data collection:

  • 74 patients (73%) had a score of 30 (pain-free)

  • 1 patient (1%) had a score of 0 (still severe pain)

As demonstrated by the above figures, in long-term follow-up, RT for painful plantar enthesophyte is a highly effective therapy with little ton oside effects providing long-term therapeutic response — a great outcome which provides hope to many a.

The study notes that the ‘only significant prognostic parameter for response to treatment is the duration of pre-radiation therapy pain. Early integration of radiation therapy in the treatment seems to result in superior pain reduction.’

Thank you to our friend and IORBC Clinca Chairmanand member, Prof. Dr. med. M. Heinrich Seegenschmiedt working in Düsseldorf, Duisburg and Essen (Germany) for highlighting this study within our member body.

Read the full article here:

Low-dose radiation treatment for painful plantar enthesophyte: a highly effective therapy with little side effects


Djiepmo F, Tamaskovics B, Bölke E, Peiper M, Haussmann J, Neuwahl J, Jazmati D, Maas K, Schmidt L, Gelzhäuser R, Schleich C, Corradini S, Orth K, van Griensven M, Rezazadeh A, Karimi K, Budach W, Matuschek C. Low-dose radiation treatment for painful plantar enthesophyte: a highly effective therapy with little side effects. Eur J Med Res. 2022 Feb 23;27(1):28. doi: 10.1186/s40001-022-00642-x. PMID: 35197107; PMCID: PMC8867737.