Contact The IORBC

The IORBC team are always eager to hear your news and to welcome new members to our community. 
Do you have a recent case study, article, or resource to share with our network? 

Please reach out to us at

If you are interested in joining The IORBC,
please select a membership option below to receive the following membership benefits:

  • Newsletters with the latest resources

  • Free access to interactive IORBC webinars

  • Early invitation to our annual conference

To write to The IORBC please use the address below:

The International Organisation for Radiotherapy for Benign Conditions
C/O Trust Management Services,
City View House, Union Street,
Manchester, M12 4JD

United Kingdom

Find Out More

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The need for benign radiotherapy
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Find out more about the treatment
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Meet the team behind the IORBC