Our Supporters

The IORBC is 100% volunteer-led and supported by individuals and organisations who are passionate about expanding research and advancing education for radiation therapy for benign conditions. Our donors and sponsors make this mission possible.

Support our Mission

We cannot support our mission without the generous support of our sponsors and collaboration with other partner organizations. Grants and donations allow us to develop new initiatives, such as the IORBC Research Award. The best way to support the IORBC is to become a Supporting Member. Organizations interested in sponsorships can contact the IORBC below.

Our Founding Sponsor

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Xstrahl has been shaping the development of superficial and orthovoltage radiation therapy and advancing preclinical radiation research for over 25 years. Xstrahl systems are in operation at more than 700 treatment and research facilities worldwide and the entire team is passionate about advancing radiation research, improving education for clinicians, and increasing access to care for patients – particularly for benign radiotherapy. Visit Xstrahl.com.

Supporting Members

We extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our Supporting Members, who have not only joined the IORBC but elected to contribute financially to help advance our mission and support our growth. The IORBC is entirely volunteer-led, and 100% of Supporting Member contributions underwrite direct programming.

Become a Supporting Member

Corporate Sponsorship enquiries:

Find Out More

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The need for benign radiotherapy
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Find out more about the treatment
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Meet the team behind the IORBC